My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


In late February when I'd been feeling a little frustrated about dating I had made a note to remind me that all the little efforts will one day pay off. The note's been on my kitchen counter for about two months and says simply "I can't wait for that next passionate kiss."

Well, I had to smile when I picked up the note this morning and filed it away with other blog notes. For now, dating is going very well. Last night's kiss was *definitely* worth the wait....

At the moment I've met someone and we've had a few fun dates. We seem to have some very similar qualities when it comes to sense of humor, the ability to make observations about our lives, an interest in staying healthy and exercising.

In pretty much all my recent dating history red flags pop up left and right like penalties in a college hockey game. Somehow this isn't happening with my new friend.

It's funny, typically when I meet someone new I tend to think of how my friends will view them. Not so with this person.

All my past dating experience is being put to use in this latest relationship. I remember at one point in time I recognized that I had reached a new level of expertise when I could get dressed for a date without giving it much thought.

Wow. Well, I'm way beyond that now.

With respect to meeting, dating, and evaluating potential compatibility I'm light years ahead of where I was a year ago. Pretty much all the "dating processes" feel like they run without individual attention on my part. Like an apprentice who struggles at first to master the most basic skills these days the basic skills are well honed and seem effortless - my mind is freed up to consider higher level issues.

It's a nice feeling to not need a note on my kitchen counter about *the future* since I'm there.


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