My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Pre-Dawn and Dying

I woke early and thought it was time to get up. I looked at the clock and realized the sun wouldn't rise for another couple of hours. My mind drifted and I had a single passing thought.

I thought "one day the sun will rise and I will no longer be here".

There was no sadness to it. There was no fear to it.

It seemed I was OK with it.

Then I considered the thought.

Then I considered where it came from.

Then I thought about how my past response to such a thought would have been different.

I've never viewed Life and Death as clearly as I do now.

In the past when I reflected on Death my thoughts seemed filled with fear and apprehension.

An unwillingness to Believe.

Now I Believe.

Well……more than believing.

now I Know.

Knowing frees the mind from Uncertainty.

An objective view simplifies things. Fears and anxieties still appear in daily life but now rather than causing elevated blood pressure my mind sees them. My mind thinks about the thoughts. My mind discards some and nurtures others.

I see that most fearful and apprehensive feelings come from recesses of my mind which are not accessible to my thoughts.

It is possible my mind has achieved freedom from itself.


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