My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"My wife" & pronoun confusion

The first few weeks and months after Robin died I found I continued to say "we" and "ours". The words seemed so familiar at the time, referring to things like "our silver car", or "our home". It was kind of upsetting because I knew I was using the pronouns incorrectly, after she died the words were supposed to change to "my" or "mine". After twenty years some language patterns really get burned into your brain.

I still run into conversational issues. I didn't realize how much we share with people through stories about our history. If I'm with friends and I speak about things that "Robin and I" did, they understand the story within the context of my life.

As I meet new people things can get a little disjointed. For example, if the conversation turns to travel I might say "yes, my wife and I once traveled to England". I might have an entire conversation with someone and the fact that my wife passed away never comes up. It's not like I'm going to say "yes, my wife and I once traveled to England, but we don't travel anymore because she died last winter…". Huh?

Obviously the cancer story isn't one I tend to just bring up out of the blue. Sometimes the conversation just naturally takes care of itself - like when someone asks if we have children. Well, then the story just kind of comes out naturally. And luckily it doesn’t have to be told as a long story, people will quite readily accept a brief description of what happened.

Sometimes now I find myself editing my own conversation in my head. So now a story might start more like "yes, I have traveled to England". I guess maybe it's just another symptom of pronoun confusion…


At 11:18 PM, Blogger kathyj333 said...

I understand exactly how you feel. And it's really tough when you run into someone who doesn't know that your spouse has died and you have to tell the story yet again.

My husband died of cardiac arrest, quite suddenly. I wasn't expecting it at all.

I don't know what else to say other than I'm sorry for your loss and all of things you have to go through.

All I can say is take your time. You will never forget her, and you don't ever have to.


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