My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Discharge papers

In the den over the computer there hangs my college diploma which Robin had framed for me one Christmas. Alongside it hung her honorable discharge from the National Guard. I noticed the wall hangings as I helped my girlfriend print something and I thought it was time to move Robin's document somewhere else. Later in the week I replaced it with a framed picture from the massage practice which has Chinese symbols next to the English translation "Love Heals All".

Today Dawn was sitting at the computer and looking toward the living room, talking to me. I saw her eyes go up and to the right. As she continued to speak with me I could see her eyes and brain processing the fact that something had changed on the wall. Her eyes came back down to look at me as she wrapped up what she was saying. She's a pretty sharp cookie - as demonstrated by the fact that she could keep talking without missing a beat, yet process other inputs. Even if she didn't overtly recognize the change, I expect her brain registered it.

Lately I've been starting to make changes around the house. Really, nothing has changed here in two and half years and it's not so much like I feel I need to make any particular change. I feel like I'm starting to make it "my house". In a way it feels like I'm starting to take on a new responsibility for the way things are around here.


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