My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Construction

Locally, an area of main street recently went thru a construction boom starting in August when several houses and a business office were razed along a one hundred yard stretch. A month after the construction began I was in a liquor store across the street picking up a couple bottles of wine and asked the fellow at the checkout what was going up? A new hotel was beginning construction. Well, there was no more mystery after that.

A month later four houses on the other side of the street were demolished. I was getting my haircut later that week and folks were chatting about the new construction, so I asked what was going up? A new drugstore. Actually there's been a drugstore two doors down for fifteen years now but the retailer felt the need to put up a big box so as soon as the new construction is done the old store will be torn down.

Further down the street there's a small one-story building that's been a mom-and-pop store as long as I've been here, twenty-eight years (holy cow!) Originally it was a neighborhood grocery store that sold a variety of items but I pretty much knew them for donuts, pastries and the occasionally lottery ticket. About fifteen years ago the business was sold to a new family and became an Asian food store. They continued to sell lottery tickets and eventually added oddball things like cheap wristwatches and knick-knacks. The building was fairly small - the rear of it was brick and the front was covered in siding.

In late September the small mom-and-pop looked like it had finally met its fate as demolition crews came in - but the deconstruction seeming to be going very slowly. The roof came off quickly, the front was torn off. Soon it became obvious that care was being taken to preserve the brick. About the third week it became obvious that the demolition had stopped and rebuilding was beginning to occur. The first floor was framed out from the remaining brick walls. Soon a second floor was being raised, then plywood sheathing put up for the walls. Siding has recently gone on.

What's the mom-and-pop store evolving into? I haven't a clue. I decided early on I didn't want to know.

The new big drugstore is complete outside and now they're working on the inside. The hotel looks maybe oine third complete. There's equipment parked all around the properties. I never really seem to see anyone around doing work. When I drive by the sites both look dirty and industrial. All I ever wonder when I see these buildings is "when are they going to be done?"

On the other hand the mom-and-pop store's metamorphosis is nearly complete! Lately the construction crew has been painting the inside. Each day I drive by and I contemplate all the things it could turn into: a realty office? a grocery store? a coffee shop? I wonder if the owners are doing most of the work themselves. Each day is a fresh idea, a different twist. I never get bored driving past the establishment. I'm *really* glad I don't know what it's becoming. No need to rush things. It's place and purpose will be revealed in due time.


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