My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


My drive home from work involves a short passage through a tunnel which goes under office buildings. Today as I emerged from the tunnel I had a view of low clouds in the distance framed by blue sky above. It was raining low and to the East and it created something I don’t recall seeing before. There were two perfect sections of rainbow formed on the low clouds - one section that curved up from the earth on the left and one section that curved up from the earth on the right. Because the clouds were low the two rainbow sections stood independent of each other, the connection visually missing at the top.

The analytical side of my brain instantly processed the information and brought forth an explanation of why I could see two partial refractions of sunlight, and why they would not have to appear connected at the top.

In a casually dismissive air, the creative side of my brain brushed aside the analytics. In what seemed like indifference, the creative side knew that just because I couldn't visually witness the connection didn't mean that the connection didn't still exist.

In my mind the whole rainbow was still there.

I mulled over the thought as I drove Northbound for about five minutes. As I took an eastbound exit I was again presented with an incredible view.

Now there was just one short, perfect, glowing section of rainbow emerging from the earth on the left, gently arching upwards.

I considered whether the single remaining rainbow represented me or represented Robin, but even as the thought popped up it was snuffed.

In an instant it didn’t matter. I knew with certainty that the whole rainbow was still there, that the connections didn't disappear just because they were no longer visible.


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