My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The dinner companion

I met my dinner companion at a nice little restaurant which offered an eclectic selection - Italian, Steak, Seafood. The first couple times we'd met out with friends I thought she seemed a little shy but she lit up when asked questions. Well, turns out that's mostly all she responded too. As the dinner progressed it dawned on me that I was holding up both ends of the conversation. I'd asked general questions about where she grew up, where she'd gone to school - pretty basic stuff. But she wasn't asking me anything in return. So soon I found myself volunteering information about myself. I thought - wow this would be more fun if she was a little more interactive! :)
After dinner we walked down the street and eventually entered a store that sells cooking gadgets. We probably walked around in there for twenty minutes and actually had fun guessing what things were for and talking about the coolest accessories. She talked about having traveled to Italy years ago - it was so great she wanted to go back someday. I wondered why she hadn't picked a date yet?


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