My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Aren't you done yet?

The Seven Choices book came at time when I've been feeling uneasy. I've been experiencing fewer grieving symptoms but my life hasn't been feeling any more "normal". If anything, I have more unresolved questions now about what we're doing here.

How strange. Up to now I've been on the watch for people who might say "aren't you done with grieving yet". After all, grieving and mourning happen at a different pace for everyone - and I was going to make sure not to feel pressured to move along any more quickly. Yet here I was seemingly saying to myself - hey grieving seems to be on the wane, aren't you done yet?

I think the question arose because I couldn't picture what's next. That's where the book has come in handy. It's given a framework from which to see a higher level view of how things might proceed. It's given me ideas about the types of issues I might be facing and how I might root them out. The book also quoted a study which suggested that the average person takes about two years to work through grieving and mourning and then rebuilding their vision of what life is about.

If anything, now I feel like I might be progressing slower than average. I guess that's the problem with people quoting numbers, you start comparing yourself to some model of how things might work. ;)


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