My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I see miracles every day! (Thank You)

We don't always receive the miracles we ask for, but we're often rewarded with so many others. Since we began down this path the love and support from family, friends, co-workers and people we have not even met before has been immeasurable.

I remember the very first weekend after Robin's diagnosis I had said to her (and later to my Dad) that I had concerns about work and about how we would handle finances. They both said to me that I needn't worry about these issues, that they would "take care of themselves". They didn’t say "we would deal with these things later", they both said the issues would 'take care of themselves' and so they have. I guess Robin and I have always been pretty self-sufficient over the years, but this experience has been so overwhelming that there was no choice but to just trust, let go, and accept the gifts you've given us.

My message to everyone who has walked alongside us, provided us comfort and support, and has had us in their prayers - Thank You. Throughout this journey you folks have been the source of our miracles each and every day!


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