My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Scared me

Last night Robin gave me a scare.

She had been sleeping for many hours and her breathing had become slow and labored - only five breaths per minute. She seemed to be pausing between breaths. Her mouth was open and looked very dry. Her eyes were not quite closed - they were just barely open like small slits. I was talking to her and rubbing her arm, and I guess I was intending to wake her to say hi.

It didn't seem like I could rouse her. I started to get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and felt a bit shaky. As my anxiety increased I said to her "I'm scared". Then, in opposition to everything we've been telling her, I said "I don't want you to go yet". (whoops - so much for all that support!)

I went and found Dad and I tried to explain that I thought things we're looking pretty bad. We went back and sat with Robin. A little while later she stirred. Her breathing returned to normal and she closed her mouth. As she awoke I gave her some water.

Afterwards I re-read the literature about dying. Apparently it's expected that breathing will become irregular for periods of time. As things progress these periods will last longer and longer. Guess we have a ways to go yet.


At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg - It's ok to not want Robin to go yet - we all feel the same I think, but know that when it happens she'll always be with you in spirit and free of the pain/cancer. All of us can empathize with you and your family during this long journey. Know that your are not alone, my friend. You are in Robin's heart always. Just seeing the way she looked at you on Tuesday - following you with her eyes - was one of the most special moments I'll remember. Your love for each other is so amazing.. May you feel everyone strength when you get scared. We're holding you too.



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