My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Prophet

Communication with Robin is less and less. The hospice folks have told us about signs to look for when she's down to a day or two (hands and feet turning blue, cooling of extremities, long pauses in breathing), but they've also said that not everyone has the same signs, so we might get surprised. They have said that she is "moving along the path". One fellow said she might pass soon, but another person said that Robin is a pretty healthy patient (aside from the cancer obviously) so she might have a couple of weeks to go.

These days she really just takes small sips of water (drip by drip onto her lips), and she hasn't eaten food in a long time. She is definitely much more comfortable when resting. She was starting to have a furrowed brow all the time but we've increased her medications and now she almost always looks relaxed.

When she is 'awake' Dad tells her stories or he sings to her. Last night Dad, Kim and I read aloud to Robin portions of the book "The Prophet" (specifically the chapters on Love, Marriage, Giving, Joy and Sorrow, Friendship, Prayer, Beauty and Death) while we held her hands. She says very little now, but occasionally she does say something that makes it clear that she is still thinking in there...


At 8:56 AM, Blogger said...

Dear Greg,

Everyday I read your blog. My heart and prayers are with Robin and you, always. You know, Robin told me about "The Little Prince" and said she read it every year. I don't know if it's appropriate, but I thought I'd mention it, in case you were looking for some additional reading material to sooth her with. Please tell her I love her, out loud or silently ... however you think is best. She is truly cared for in the deepest of ways on all levels by this universe ...

And, thank you for the blog you and Robin have created, which gives to us all in so many ways, allowing us to share in your journey and stay connected ... it is truly a gift.

May you all continue to be surrounded and filled with Love and Light,


At 10:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm at the Hines, IL VA and heard about your story through some co-workers who know you. My thoughts are with you. Be strong.

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are following Robin's journey and our thoughts and prayers are with you both (and Chris)We have felt every emotion as you chronicle Robin's days and have felt saddness but also affirmation for the love of marriage, life and family
Stuart and Lesi


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