My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday adventure

We should have seen the pain Saturday night as foreshadowing for Sunday morning. Robin awoke around 8am feeling serious pain (level 8 out of 10). It was is all the regular places (legs, lower back, knees) but now it was also appearing in her shoulder blades!

We put in a call to the hospice on-call number. Within a few minutes the on call nurse called to discuss Robin's status. We agreed to give her a Dilaudid tablet for semi-quick pain relief, and the nurse arrived at her bedside less than an hour later. The nurse doubled the machine's output which has turned out to be just about right for Robin. She remained relaxed and comfortable throughout the day, and was just beginning to experience pain late in the evening, but right now that seems to be controllable with the "extra dose" button.

During the day Robin had more family visitors - Aunt Flo and Uncle Mike in the morning and Sharon, Ally and Dillon in the afternoon! Robin and Dillon were still competing for the award "cutest bald person" throughout the visit.

Flo and Mike - thanks for the coffee, donuts and gift card! G+R


At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robin and Greg:

I'm glad you're getting the help and support you need. My Dad was in a palliative care program before he passed away in November; we got to have some really important conversations about death and dying. They're difficult to have at the time but wonderful to hold onto. My heart aches for both of you, and my prayers go with you. Robin, I really miss you!

Susan W., your massage client


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