My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Robin's been doing better on the antibiotics. Her temperature fluctuates, but now it's usually between 99 and 101. She also had a little more pain toward the end of the week. We're going to try to keep her on a schedule (taking pain meds every four hours) rather than just have her take pain medication when she needs it. The hospice nurse suggested that they could give her a pump to wear. It would be like having a purse, but it would connect to Robin's IV port and just automatically give her pain medications continuously.

I didn't like the pump idea so much, but I think it's more because she wouldn't be able to take it off herself and she would be "tied" to the machine. She's already a little unsteady walking so I was also thinking it might slow her down. I guess even more it might make her look "sick" - but hey, I guess she is sick… The nurse asked if we'd also like a wheelchair - it might help to get her out of the house, even for a ride down the block. I said sure, we'll just put it in the basement until we need it. After all, Robin had already suggested we could go to the mall and she could get a wheelchair from customer service while we were there. When I told Robin we were going to get a wheelchair she didn't seem too thrilled. I guess neither of us wants to think she needs any of these machines yet…


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