My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Elevated LDH

Robin's been doing OK this week compared to previous chemo treatments. The side effects have been increasing in intensity the last few days but they have still been pretty well controlled. She is starting to get out of bed a little earlier now (noon today!) and she's been on the computer a little bit (hey - solitaire can be good for you!). She's had some nausea, but today her stomach also began to feel achy.

We had a follow-up visit with the doctor this afternoon. During the visit the doctor mentioned that Robin's blood work two weeks ago was a little "out-of-whack" so they'll be keeping an eye on it. She explained that the reason they offered chemo early without finishing all the planned tests (i.e. liver biopsy) was because the blood test had indicated abnormally high levels of LDH (Lactate dehydrogenase). LDH is an enzyme which is present throughout the cells in our bodies, and high levels can indicate that cells are turning over at a higher rate. Observing a high level doesn’t exactly tell you what's going on (e.g. it can indicate a recent heart attack or meningitis within the body), but when it comes to cancer it usually indicates a high rate of tumor growth. The idea is that chemo could help put that growth rate in check.

We're looking forward to Robin feeling better over the weekend and regaining her energy! The doctor did warn that her white blood cell count is low (a condition labeled "neutropenia") which is normal after a chemotherapy treatment. For the next week or so she just needs to stay clear of crowds and of anyone who is sick with a cold. Two weeks until the next chemo treatment!


At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg & Robin,
Everyday, sometimes many times , I visit you in my mind. Sometimes we are enjoying a meal, skiing or hiking, or lighting fireworks, or lying in the sun after a swim absorbing the goodness in life. Laughter is always present.
This is my way of sending you a wave of warm, luscious, sweetness from the place you hold in my heart.

Wavin' ;-),

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robin and Greg,
As we near this very special day, I pray the peace of the Holiday season is with both of you. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers each day as I follow your journey. PEACE, LOVE and JOY.


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