My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Walking to the Park

Robin has been feeling pretty well lately. The last three days she has visited many folks: our cousin Christy in New York on Thursday, friends Joe and Carol back at home on Friday, and Sharon (her sister) and Ed Saturday. Robin usually has enough energy to visit for an hour then she typically needs a nap!

Today we walked from Times Square to Central Park (43rd street to about 60th). We rested on a bench for half an hour and then we rode the subway back. Robin was fine until we had just one block left to walk, that's when she starting throwing up. Luckily she carries around a plastic bag with kitty litter in it so we just stopped momentarily while she did her thing. When she was done she shook up the bag (looks just like a cat's done their business in there!) then she gave me a weak smile. She says that because of her positive attitude she can still smile right after being sick! She spent the rest of the evening laying in bed. I rubbed her feet and head for about thirty minutes then we talked for a while about how we've been handling the cancer experience (we think we're handling it pretty well so far!). She's a lot more animated these days so it was nice to be able to hang out together and talk.

The last thing we did for the day was reply to a list of questions from our niece Jessica. Jessie's writing a journalism article for a high school class and asked if Robin would be the subject of her paper. I read a list of prepared questions to Robin and then typed her responses.

Here is Robin's response to question nineteen "How does it feel to be one of very few women in the world with this disease?" Robin: "Very special. I look at it as an opportunity. An opportunity to see where it's going to take me. Because it's going to change my life. It already has. I think it will change things in a positive way. So many good things have happened already - support from friends and family. I always look for the silver lining in the clouds. I prefer to take negatives and turn them into positives so that's what I'm doing with cancer. I've already met a lot of wonderful people."


At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You keep up that great positive attitude Robin and you'll make it. XO Trice


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