My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sleep, Eat, Sleep, Walk, Sleep…

See a common pattern here? Robin planned on a walk Wednesday. We walked a block and then headed back home where she took a nap. Today she planned a bigger walk. We walked for twenty minutes and then came back to the apartment where she's taking a three hour nap. This chemo week is going very well indeed!

She takes steroids for a few days after chemo and she takes anti-nausea meds every eight hours. The chemo treatment plus the combination of post chemo drugs makes her very sleep prone! The great news is that her overall symptoms have been very mild compared to past chemo treatments. She's had very low level nausea occasionally, but she hasn’t had too many episodes of dry heaves or actual throwing up. Anyway she seems to have conquered throwing up when it does occur - because no matter how bad it is she can vomit and then still come up with a smile (hey - wipe that goop off your chin Smiley!). I figure it’s a great sign that she prefers to be in control of her disease rather than vice-versa.

Tonight my cousin Christy is planning to visit (she's taking classes just a few blocks away from our apartment) - maybe we can find a restaurant with something on the menu which will appeal to Robin!


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