My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday, morning sickness

While getting ready for Monday's radiation appointment Robin broke out in a couple fits of vomiting. You can see it coming when she covers her mouth, furrows her brow, and makes tracks for the bathroom - she felt nauseous all morning long. We each speculate on the cause, Robin attributes it directly to receiving radiation. I attribute it to the weekend off from radiation (because I've read about patients who didn't experience nausea until after their treatments had ended). It's odd how we individually try to make sense of what's going on around us, reaching the same conclusion but with different rationalizations.

So today becomes a taxi ride to the clinic. Mostly we've been taking the subway, but when she's not feeling well we simply walk fifty feet out to the corner and hail a cab. Due to the holiday it turns out to be only a fourteen minute cab ride - ridiculously quick compared to average twenty-four minute taxi ride in normal traffic.

On the way back Robin was feeling up to taking the subway. We have tried a couple of options the last few weeks. If we're up to a long walk (almost mile) and lots of stairs up and down then we can take a train directly back to Times Square and hoof it back to the apartment. We've pretty much given up on that route because of the athletic effort it requires (all those darn stairs!). We can walk half the distance and only have to take two flights of stairs if we're willing to transfer from one train line to another part way through the trip.

On our return this morning the first train that arrived at the platform was loaded with folks coming to Union Square. So many people got off that it took longer than normal for us to get onto the train. As I reached the center of the car I toyed with the idea of not holding a handrail (wouldn't that be cool). Suddenly the train lurched forward and as I realized I needed a handhold I also saw Robin - just about to sit - now starting to fall over from the acceleration!

Without conscious thought my right hand grasped the nearest rail and my left hand reached impossibly far and latched onto Robin's left arm. I can remember wondering if I was going to pull her arm out of the socket. Once we'd recovered and laughed it off I muttered my standard phrase these days - "Don't worry - I've got you covered". It's a good thing that the positive power of the Universe (including all you folks) is looking out for the two of us! :)


At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With so much positive, loving energy between the two of you, how could the universe not want to join in!

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd be suprised what love can make you do.

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted you and Robin to know that there is lots of power and love coming from Florida your way. Think of the sunshine as just another cancer slayer's ammunition. Lots of love!

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You remind me of those wonderful days when I used wear a sling for shoulder dislocation.. Phew...great experience...those were the days when I used to take rest all day and my roommate used to cook food and clean up ;)
I hope Greg got you covered on that too ;). Have fun and Take Care



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