My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Assisting Fate

I was sitting in a rocking chair in the "Mall" area at the Philadelphia airport (between flight connections) when I noticed a *very* tall young lady in a bookstore across the hall. Wow - she's got to be at least 6 feet tall! I thought, I could walk over to the store and meet her to practice my social skills. Then I thought, I don't have to meet everyone in the world - plus I think I pretty much have developed all the skills I presently need - so it would be fun but it wasn't necessary.

I went back to making notes for work and for future blogging, resisting the universe's invitation.

Finally I decided it was time for a latte so I gathered up my carry-on and coat and made my way down to see the baristas at the junction of terminals B&C. I was second in line getting ready to order when I noticed the tall young lady had now joined the line two spots behind me. OK, the universe has put us in close proximity again. How do I meet her now? Well, I don't have to worry things will work out if I patience.

After you order espresso drinks you typically move down to a pickup counter and await your drink, so I figured that's naturally where we would end up meeting. But then I heard her two cashier's down ordering coffee. Hmmm, she'll just get her coffee from the cashier, so she won't be waiting to pickup a drink. As I make my way over to the pickup counter (hmm..that's an interesting label) I notice that's where this vendor places the cream and sugar. Aha! First I thought, I'll stop just before the counter. Then I thought, I'll stop just after the counter. Finally I realize if I stop right in front of the cream and sugar, then she'll have to say something to me first. :)

In reality these thoughts are not taking a lot of overhead. I'd have no problem just saying hi, but wouldn't it be nice if it felt a little more natural? It's nice to be able to work with the situation a little bit.

As for a topic to discuss, that was easy. As she approached and asked to get to the cream and sugar I noticed she had a pillow strapped to her suitcase, and that's how the conversation started. She just liked to have her pillow on travel and it came in handy for her on the flights. She had left early that morning from out West and was on her way to Ithaca to visit friends. We talked about the great restaurants in Ithaca. I noted that I knew someone who had gone to massage school there, and about how cities with massage schools typically had lots of graduates who stayed in the area to practice. It seems like in Ithaca there's a massage practice on every other corner. She asked about my travel and I described my job and destination for the week. She headed off to another terminal and I headed back to the rocking chairs. Wow - looks like they're all taken - then at the very end I see a chair rocking - someone's just left. I guess I was in tune with the universe and it was freeing up a chair for me to sit back down and contemplate how different I am these days.

Maybe my lesson for today was learning how to "assist fate". :)


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