My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

2007 - February - sticky notes

In February of 2007 we had an open house the weekend after Robin died. The furniture was moved around to make space for people. Tables were arranged for food, coffee, drinks.

The very next day I boarded a plane to head down to Florida with Dad. I couldn't imagine staying home anymore. I had a window seat and as the airplane climbed out I could look down and see the area as we departed. A steady stream of tears started down my cheek. They were still flowing later when the flight attendant asked if we wanted anything to drink. I never stopped looking out the window, just shook my head "no".

I remember thinking that when I returned I would be alone and everything would be different.

When I did return fourteen days later two things would strike me. One was that we never moved the furniture back. It was all still setup for the open house. I put down my luggage and immediately went around and moved the furniture back to where it ought to be.

The other thing I found was that Kim and Jessica and Patrick had left "sticky notes of encouragement" all over the house. Notes of every variety from "we love you" to "hang in there" to pictures of hearts. I'd find the notes inside drawers, on the fridge, in the fridge.

Over time I assembled most of the notes and put them in a picture album we had created for the open house. It held about two dozen 8 1/2 x 11 photos of a happy Robin with me, and with family.

I never did put away all the notes. It's been nearly fourteen months and the heart shaped sticky inside the door of the microwave oven is still there. I see its silhouette whenever something is heating up. Then there's the one inside the refrigerator, and a couple more here and there.


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