My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Got my focus back

I noticed recently that I'm able to focus much more clearly on whatever it is that I'm doing at the present moment. It's not that I haven't been able to get anything done this year, but it has often felt like my thoughts were muddied or my mind wandered. Lot's of times while I would get things done like cleaning the house, my mind would be blank. It often felt like I was performing mechanically - my heart not quite into the task at hand.

During this time there still have been activities in which I could become consumed - writing for the blog, bicycling, weeding the garden, washing dishes. Lately though, I've been increasingly productive and more often than not find myself getting lost in whatever I'm doing. I guess it's somewhat analogous to bicycling in upstate New York - which for many folks is not a year round activity. In the late Winter and early Spring when the temperatures begin to rise there's a period of readjustment to the new season. During that time the body relearns what it's like to move and to stretch again, it relearns comfortable rhythms and varying paces. Biking through the countryside in Spring, the season of rebirth, the body awakens to a season of new challenges and new possibilities. Soon the muscles are performing again and the body's back in tune with its environment.


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