My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Impromptu Bike Ride

Yesterday when I biked the skies had been threatening rain. It never caused me to change my route or cut the ride short. It did finally start sprinkling - after I had arrived back at my car, had put everything away and was ready to drive home. (I'm such a lucky boy!)

Today an e-mail went out to a group of bicyclists proposing an impromptu bike ride. Those of us who could make it (Susie, Kaaren, Karen and I) planned to meet at 4pm. I called to say I was running a little late and was told to "bring some sun" because the sky was filled with dark ominous looking clouds. Soon after we started biking the clouds disappeared and we enjoyed clear blue skies for the entire ride. Afterwards we were met by Jenny who had prepared an incredible table full of appetizers. We shared some great wines and (as is quite normal for this group) continuous laughter and joking. (I'm such a lucky boy!)

We went out to dinner at a restaurant where Michael joined us. Half way through dinner we could see rain pelting the windows and a stiff breeze was blowing - so there are the storms! By the time we were leaving the weather had passed and there was barely a drizzle remaining. You get the picture by now - got all the right weather; hung out with wonderful, happy, generous folks; enjoyed an evening full of laughter - I'm such a lucky boy! ;)


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