My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Left Brain - Right Brain

I was talking to Alex about grieving the other day. I was saying how surprised I was that it could just come out of nowhere. He asked if it really "came out of nowhere" or rather if it occurred when I thought about things. I had to admit it really was related to when I thought about Robin in some way. For example, she used to always cut the grass and plant the garden and now when I do those tasks it reminds me of her.

I talked to him more about the grieving. I said it feels like there's a logical brain which knows everything that's happened - that Robin got cancer and she died and she's gone. Then it also feels like there's an emotional side which either doesn’t really understand, or doesn't want to admit, or still feels connected in some way to her spirit. It's as if the emotional side is like a child who is too young to understand that someone's died. You could explain everything logically to the child and they would seem to understand, then a few minutes later they could ask you if the person's going to be home for dinner.

When the grieving kicks in it's as if the emotional side is recognizing that something's changed, that something's not right, that something's wrong with the world.


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