My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wu Wei - working with Inner Nature

There are a few attitudes which helped Robin through her journey, and which continue to help me through mine. I may have already mentioned this idea in January when I was re-reading the "Tao of Pooh" to Robin while she was in the hospital.

Paraphrased from book:
"At the Gorge of Lu a great waterfall plunges thousands of feet into churning waters.

One day, K'ung Fu-tse saw an old man being tossed about in the turbulent waters below the waterfall. His disciples ran to the man's rescue, but by the time they reached the water the old man had climbed out.

Kung Fu-tse hurried up to the old man and asked how he had survived.

The old man said it was nothing special. He explained that he began to learn when he was very young (and continued to practice) how to go down with the water and to come up with the water. He follows it and forgets himself. He survives in the turbulent water because he doesn't struggle against the water's superior power."


At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg -
For months we read your blog and followed the journey - and after your 2/24 post I wondered if/when you might get back into writing. I thought perhaps you might need to let things rest for a while.
The link to the blog has remained on the browser toolbar and every so often I would check in - "nope, not yet, I wonder....".

Today, of course, I discover that you have been back at it! I agree that you look good, and it's nice to hear that you feel like your personality is coming back.

I can relate to that idea. During a tough time in my life, a friend encouraged me to "just BE with it" / don't fight it. I probably was stuck for too long, but at least it allowed me to reemerge on my own terms and process along the way. That "phoenix" phenomenon was powerful for me, and I feel more complete for having gone through the pain and now able to better appreciate the trials others face. I guess I'm hoping you are sensing the same kind of 'power' and feeling good about it.

Greg. you are a most amazing man - we didn't get to connect much at the Open House, but from reading the blog I feel like I know about your tremendous inner strength and sensitivity, and I admire your courage in putting it all out there to share for the benefit of others.

I'm not sure what my point in all of this is.... except to say that I'm glad you are back to writing, and we are still out here reading and appreciating it...

all the best!
Bill (and Paige)
(near the Mendon International Airport)


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