My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Quiet Day

It was very quiet today in the house. Robin was comfortably resting in bed all day.

Her two activities today were taking a shower with the assistance of Colleen (an LPN from Hospice) in the afternoon, and going for a short walk around the upstairs in the evening.

Robin has a shower chair so she's able to sit in the shower and get cleaned up with Colleen's assistance. While they cleaned up, Dad and I went for a twenty minute walk around the neighborhood which was beautiful on such a clear day!

In the evening Robin walked around the upstairs a little. I typically walk backwards in front of her and we hold hands (or interlock forearms by grasping each other's elbows) while she walks. We encouraged her to come downstairs today, but she felt unsteady and she feared that if she went downstairs, then she wouldn't be able to get back upstairs to sleep in her own bed tonight. While in the back bedroom she picked out clothes to wear tomorrow. As she stood at the dresser I could see her repeatedly glancing at herself in a full length closet mirror. We could see her legs, which are getting very thin. I was even taken aback at how thin they looked in the mirror, but it's probably the first clear look Robin has had of herself in weeks. She stands occasionally (like when washing her teeth in the bathroom) but her legs twitch and move constantly as if they're running out of strength to hold her up.

She still has some pain but it's decreased from what it was earlier in the week (plus it's controllable) and she is much more capable of holding a conversation. Much of the time she's groggy from the pain medication, but it seems like a fair tradeoff considering the improvement from the "quality of life" she was experiencing on Tuesday.


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