My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Robin Morph(in)ed

Thursday Robin was feeling a little nauseous. The doctor had prescribed some antiemetics (anti-nausea medications) which we picked up at the pharmacy before going to the hospital. One prescription was for three pills to be taken the first three days. Robin missed the second day which probably accounts for the nausea Wednesday. Once we realized it, she took pill #2 and now at least she is not nauseous.

Unfortunately today they put in the port and the PEG tube. The port placement at 7:30am went well. Although she returned to the room a little wiped out she seemed OK. After getting the PEG at noon she really wasn’t feeling well. If she tried to sit up or roll over her abdomen was really painful. They gave her morphine, and then 30 minutes later Robin asked for more meds (and Robin never likes to take meds…). They gave her more morphine which seemed to make her drowsy, but she was still in a bit of pain. It’s now 8pm and she finally seems to be sleeping a little bit! The nurse says the pain is normal, but by tomorrow Robin’s likely to feel fine.

Jonathan accompanied her to the PEG procedure, while I went and gathered more information about places to stay while she gets radiation therapy. It will be Monday thru Friday for seven weeks, so we will essentially be living in the city.

Tonight I’ll sleep over in Robin’s room. Jon will sleep in Soho! We’ve slept at a few different locations this week. Folks have been so generous in helping us find accommodations. Early in the week Robin’s cousin Peter had us over for three nights. We then found space in hospital housing across the street from the hospital which was closer. We had been told the housing was full, but when we walked in and asked, the fellow at the front desk went to work for ten minutes and came up with space for us!

After we had moved in, Jon bumped into a relative (Michael) on the street. Michael is a male model and lives in an apartment right across from the hospital! He offered to let us crash at his place anytime - also he knew of an empty apartment in Soho, so tonight Jon will be there!


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