My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wednesday Afternoon

Day two and things are going well. Robin felt a little naseous today and was giving a medication to help. Tomorrow they will install a port which they will be able to use to administer medications in the future. It's kind of a semi-permanent IV which will be under her skin. They will also install the PEG tube in her abdomen. It will stick out a few inches and is about the size around of a pen. If she doesn't feel well enough to eat then she will be able to just put liquids like Ensure right into her stomach.

Her mood is pretty good. She's got a big "Hello Kitty" doll from Amanda keeping her company around the clock! G


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