My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Death and Taxes

Grieving still comes and goes. Last week it happened while I was out for a walk and I was thinking about how helpful the folks at work have been throughout this experience.

This week it happened when I had to get together information for 2006 taxes (the six month extension ends October 15th). Since Robin worked in the beginning of that year I had to go through the business files and organize the relevant paperwork . We've had the assistance of an accountant ever since she opened her business. To complete 2006 meant getting together the data from the beginning of the year plus any expenses through the end of the year. I was fine getting together all my own paperwork, but started getting teary eyed when I had to start pulling out her paperwork. There were many records she'd documented and checks she'd written - her handwriting was all over the place. Normally the grieving feelings come and pass through me. This time I knew I was going to meet with the accountant and so the feelings continued right on through the meeting.

Luckily Mark (the accountant) is a great guy and I was able to essentially pass him the raw information from checkbooks and receipts and he was able to convert it all into meaningful tax information.


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