My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tom started it…

The folks at our Dentist office have been extremely helpful ever since we began this journey (they've helped in too many ways to even cover). In the first six weeks of Robin's journey with cancer (mid-June thru July) we kept taking her back to Tom (our Dentist) because the swelling in her cheek had moved into her gums. Tom was one the most professional folks - checking her out, stating what he knew and what he didn’t know. In July when the medical folks decided Robin didn't have a sinus infection but instead probably had some type of tooth infection, Tom was there to say he was pretty sure she did not (but as a true professional would) he also said he couldn't be absolutely certain so we should keep an eye on it.

Tom made a house call several weeks ago, as the growth in Robin's cheek has again spread to her gums. When we got word that Tom was coming to our house my Dad said "Wow, a Dentist who makes house calls", without missing a beat Robin said with a smile "Well, he doesn't make house calls for just anybody".

During Tom's visit it was obvious that the tumor tissue was growing in her gums again, just days after his visit the tan colored tissue would start popping out again around her upper right molars. Tom said her upper right teeth were only a little loose and if she had any problems to just give him a call and he would come back out to take a look.

Last week I had my regular dental checkup. Afterwards Tom offered again to do anything he could for Robin. At the end of the conversation I had the impression he was starting to get a little choked up as he left the exam room, but then I couldn't tell because I was getting tears in my eyes. I made a beeline for the door when I heard his wife Denise call me and say "where are you going without saying hi". As she approached me for a hug I figured she could see me starting to cry and I just squeaked out the words "Tom started it".


At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to my friend Greg...
from your friend Deirdre...
Who you are...
opens my heart.
You are an inspiration, a blessing, a gift.
Through your words & actions we all witness & share in your love & humanity.
Know that you are loved/hugged/embraced & held tenderly in my heart through this transforming time.

At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The words above couldn't be expressed any better. Greg, you have opened so many of our hearts. May you and Robin feel my strength and love at this time.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Thomas said...

Greg- Thanks for the kind words. I learned with my father's passing 5 years ago how helpless these circumstances inflict on us. I have such similar, frustrating feelings with Robin. I'm sorry! Your strength gives us all strength. Godspeed.


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