My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Robin update - Wednesday

Robin has had a few tests the last couple of days (a few x-rays and an MRI). Today an oncologist saw her and stated that the tests did not show anything to indicate that her pain is being caused by the cancer. The MRI does show that she had a compression of the disk between the L4 and L5 vertebrae. There is more compression on the left side of the vertebrae and that seems to correspond with the greater pain radiating down her left leg. She will continue to remain in the hospital Wednesday night and a neurologist will evaluate her condition.

The doctor who saw her was not her regular oncologist, though he is with the same group. Her asked about the tumors just below her right jaw. She noted that during this last round of chemo, one of the lumps hasn't changed in size. The second lump shrunk, but is now back to about the same size. The doctor made the observation that the selected chemo does not seem to have been very effective - I guess they prefer to have tumors shrink and then not come back right away (isn't that what we all want?). Anyway, he noted that Robin's primary oncologist might want to consider a different set of chemo drugs next time around. Robin was due to start her next course tomorrow (Thursday). We don't know if that will still proceed as scheduled, but we'll learn more Thursday morning.


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