My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Monday, October 30, 2006


We've had several visitors since last Wednesday. My brother Jonathan visited the second half of last week and then Robin's family visited over the weekend. Saturday we played cards for a couple of hours with Sharon and Ed, plus Robin got out for a walk to Times Square (just a few blocks away). Sunday she went out to a restaurant with the entire clan to celebrate some birthdays - Billy's & Peter's! Robin brought along a pad of paper for when she had something to "say". It was great to get out of the apartment and to see everyone for a while!

Robin's graduated to using her PEG feeding tube full-time - so she didn't get to have any birthday cake this weekend! She's using five to six cans a day of the Nutren liquid supplements. She seems to feel better, to have a little more energy and she thinks her hair is growing faster :) If she keeps her mouth closed she occasionally has slight pain, but it is about a "six out of ten" pain if she tries to eat or talk. It really is strange going days without hearing a word out of her - but at least she can still smile!

Today she was having nausea on the way to and from the radiation appointment. Sometimes just getting up out of a chair can cause nausea, so taking the subway often sets her off. She just pauses for a moment on the street and then she's ready to go again! In the radiation therapy waiting room she tends to be the "senior" patient these days. We've seen many folks finish up their course of treatment and we've also seen a lot of new people who are just starting out on their radiation plan.

Robin's brother Mike will be arriving next Monday from England, just in time to head back home with us Tuesday! We've already started planning what to bring home this weekend, and what we'll need to leave for the last few days next week!


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