My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Whew -"slug on the couch" that is! We don't know if it's the fatigue setting in, or just the after effects of Monday's chemo, but Robin has been a super slug the last couple of days. Her body must need all this time to recuperate!

All morning I kept talking about how we could go for a walk around the block. An idea which Robin supported, but she seemed content to continue to watch TV. I knew she was wiped out when she offered me the remote and then she started watching the shows I picked on TV. We settled in to watching "Megaprojects" and then "Extreme Engineering" on the Discovery channel - shows she never would sit through at home - there would be too many other things to do around the house! She looked as if she was using all her powers of concentration as we watched the building of the "Hoover Dam Bridge" in Arizona. Then with five minutes to go in the program she must have been overwhelmed - she finally leaned over on a pillow and fell asleep.

Hey, I'm all for having an afternoon of rest - but a whole week of it is starting to make me jumpy! ;)


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