My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Fast weekend

What a fast weekend - Dad headed home Sunday morning!

By Sunday night Robin's lips were pretty well healed. The tumor is getting bigger again so she occasionally has the dry heaves. It happens most often if she lays flat on her back. She continues to take medications to reduce these effects.

We have been feeling more tension lately. Robin admitted that the idea of receiving radiation does not bother her as much as the idea of having to lay flat on her back for a few minutes with her head held in place by the mask! At home She can lay down on the couch and can literally be gagging within seconds, so I can see why she would be nervous about being clamped to the Radiation table!

We're headed back to the city tonight. Robin has appointments on Tuesday for the final radiation check and then she will be treated with radiation on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Next week will begin a weekly routine of going down on Sunday night and coming home on Friday afternoons since she will receive treatments Monday-Friday through the beginning of November - eek!

We're looking forward to this week because she is getting her energy back. We don't anticipate any immediate reactions to radiation so she'll probably be ready to go on short walks and maybe see some sights (maybe a museum or the botanical garden). We need to have a little fun while she feels good since next week begins chemo treatment #3. The chemo will be easier next week since she will only be an inpatient overnight while she receives Cisplatin. No more 5FU so she won't have to be in bed five days in a row!


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