My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Visiting nurses

We had our first visit from "Visiting Nurses" Tuesday. The nurse came to the house to check Robin's port and PEG tube. She was really helpful in answering questions like what side effects are normal to have, how long do they last, when will we know if Robin is going to loose her hair. She explained that most of the effects of chemo will have appeared within four days - and today (Wednesday) is Robin's fourth day since finishing the first course! The nurse also explained that the effects are not cumulative, so the second and possibly third treatments should now cause any worse side effects - news we're pleased to hear! (This morning Robin's lips are chapped and raw…)

In regard to hair she suggested Robin might want to get it cut shorter and shorter the next couple of weeks, so if it falls out it won't be such a shock. The nurse said that it will just happen one day that Robin will wake up with it all over the bed, or a clump may fall out in the shower. Of course, Robin wanted to know if this would be a solution to having to shave her legs! The nurse suggested flannel sheets were good for catching loose hair. She also recommended some sources for getting wigs. She noted that the hair doesn’t always grow back right away. It might come back in patches and it might take a couple of years.

We had assumed the nurse was so knowledgeable because she has provided home care for cancer patients for over 10 years. As it turns out the nurse is also a cancer survivor. She noted that she had been treated a year and half ago, so a lot of her knowledge came from her experience.


At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just want you to know there are people praying not only for Robin but for you, your family, the doctors and nurses that are on Robin's case.

Mike B.


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