My late wife's journey with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC), and my subsequent journey as a grieving widower finding my way back to life.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Surprise overnight stay!

We met the medical oncologist today and Robin's white blood cell count is good. We're on schedule for her to start again next week. Oddly enough the Monday holiday impacts us because the hospital is expected to be overwhelmed with admissions on Tuesday, our 21st day. We were offered to start on Monday or Wednesday and we chose to start on Monday morning.

We also met with the radiation oncologist. Robin said this disease (SNUC) "snuck" up on her and he said sarcastically "I never heard that one before". In effort to impress him Robin then sang her cancer song which goes something like "I've got a tumor on my face, I'm a special medical case". Guess we'll have to film that for the weblog ;)

He described how they will apply radiation not only directly to the tumor, but also to all the sinuses. Just like chemo, they will not just target the obvious mass. He said no matter where they think the cancer cells reside, they always show up in adjacent areas. He asked that we come back in tomorrow to start the preparations. Tomorrow they will create a mask which helps position Robin's head at each treatment, and helps to protect certain areas of her head from the radiation.

Our Tuesday appointment is late in the day so we get the morning off! We'll head home Tuesday night and plan to be back here Sunday night for the start of chemo round two! Robin did do the chemo dance today, but it wasn't quite as enthusiastic.


At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear of the white blood cell counts! I knew you had it in you. But now it's off to certain radiation amounts. Do you have a song and dance for that too?

If this mask works out well you'll have endless Halloweens' figured out. Enjoy you're morning off! I heard there's a Starbucks and great pizza joints all about.

Jon, Lisa and Amanda

At 11:21 PM, Blogger said...

Dear Robin and Greg,

I've been thinking about you everyday and have been following your blog closely. It's really nice to be able to track your progress and stay in touch that way.

Robin, I've been wanting to tell you that my father had lung cancer and chose radiation therapy. The radiation changed the tumor into scar tissue and he was free and clear for the rest of his years (probably about 10 or so!). So hang in there! Speaking of hanging in there ... what about hang gliding instead of skydiving? You could soar like an eagle ... John Denver ... doo do doo do do do do do doooooooo!!!!!

Much long distance Reiki is on its way to you!!!! Soon to be THREE different networks of people!


At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robin, kick butt you cancer slayer you! i think we'll have to find you an agent for that song! sounds like a hit to me! Love, Shar

At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Robin and Greg. I am in awe over your humor and attitude! I feel your strong spirit, love and 'intention' to be rid of this beast so you both may live a long, happy life together full of special memories. Know that you are in my heart, thoughts and prayers. When the time is right, let me know and I'll give you both
a relaxing reflexology session.

Hugs and Smiles,
Donna Pivero


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